Name: ___________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________
Work phone: ___________________________
Cell phone: __________________________
VA E-mail address:__________________________
Non- VA E-mail address:__________________________
VA Medical Center Address: ________________________________________________________
Current position or employment: _________________________
Present association with VA:
_______ Current chaplain, VA
_______ CPE Resident
_______ Retired chaplain
_______ Military chaplain
_______ Endorser
_______ Allied professional, please identify
_______ Other, please identify
Please Email this completed application to:
NAVAC Certification Committee Chair
Chaplain David E. LeFavor, D.Min, BCC
Two ways to pay the $30.00 annual dues
Mail in Check:
P.O. Box 1631
Newport News, VA 23601
2. Paying by PayPal:
To make that happen for you, please use this internet link:
Please note: The PayPal link does say "donation", that is the only option that is available in PayPal. However, this link is secure and can also accept credit card input, or if you have a PayPal account, you can log on there. My suggestion is to log on with you PayPal account.
Questions: NAVACBCC@gmail.com
There are two categories of membership. Category A members shall have all rights and Privileges of membership. Category B members shall have all rights and privileges of membership, except the right to vote, the right to hold office as either an officer or Board member, and the right to serve as a committee chairperson.
Category A members include any chaplain who is currently employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs in any of the following ways: a full-time employee, a part-time employee, an intermittent chaplain, a fee-basis
chaplain or a contract chaplain.
Category B members include CPE residents, retired and former VA chaplains, other federal chaplains to include but not limited to military chaplains, endorsers, and allied professionals with an interest in the VA chaplaincy.
Membership applications are to be sent to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Appeals due to a person’s application not being accepted, is to the Board of Directors.
The fee for Professional Membership each year is $30.00, due and payable in January of each year. Should payment not be received by March 1 of each year, membership becomes inactive until such payment
is made.